Turks and Caicos Camping

Camping is becoming increasingly popular in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Sometimes this is due to necessity, such as when visiting remote sights and uninhabited islands, but often it's simply for the experience.
The practice of camping isn’t as established in the Turks and Caicos as it is in other countries, and there are no dedicated campgrounds or facilities. For these reasons—and to get valuable advice—it’s very important that travelers interested in camping in the Turks and Caicos Islands discuss their plans with a local tour company or someone familiar with the country's wilderness ahead of time.
There are no campgrounds or campsites in the country. In addition, there are no public showers, and only a handful of public toilets, throughout the country.
Camping is not a feasible budget option for travelers wanting to save on accommodation costs, simply due to the lack of facilities. However, with proper preparation, it’s a great way to experience the unique and secluded landscapes of the archipelago.
Beach camping is popular, but it should be noted that open fires in national parks and protected areas are prohibited. In addition, there are heavy fines (and possible jail time) for littering.
Mosquitoes and Sand Fleas

If you plan to go camping in the Turks and Caicos Islands, prepare for mosquitoes and sand fleas.
Generally, these annoying insects aren't a problem during dry periods, yet they are typically ferocious after heavy rains.
The best defense against mosquitoes is picking a windward campsite, yet even with this consideration, mosquitoes can be quite bad.
Pack insect repellent, and during the rainy season, mosquito nets, long sleeves, and gloves. It’s highly advisable to use tents with fine mesh rather than those with typical window screen mesh, as sand fleas (biting midges) can easily enter the screen.

It’s not feasible to camp on any of the main Providenciales beaches.
Camping directly on the beach of one of the small cays or Middle Caicos is the most popular choice. Sand fleas can be a problem, but this varies by location and season. The mosquitoes at inland campsites can be terrible.
There are nearly 100 small and uninhabited cays and rocks in the Turks and Caicos, many of which make for amazing campsites.
Camping in National Parks and Nature Reserves
Per the Turks and Caicos National Parks Ordinance, camping in National Parks and Nature Reserves is permitted within designated ‘camping zones’. However, none of the National Parks and Natures Reserves have designated camping sites. There are also no facilities provided.
- Bring plenty of drinking water. Pack at least one gallon (4 liters) per day per person if you're experienced in hot weather camping, and two to three gallons (8–12 liters) per day per person if you're a beginner or plan to do strenuous activity, such as hiking or kayaking.
- Be prepared for mosquitoes and sand fleas, and pack mosquito head nets in addition to repellent spray during rainy periods.
- Use a proper tent (one with fine mesh vents, rather than window screen vents) instead of sleeping out in the open to avoid mosquitoes.
- Do not drink unfiltered sources of natural freshwater.
- Be prepared for intense sun. Along with sunscreen, a hat, and long sleeve clothing, consider bringing a shade shelter.
- Ensure that you clean up your campsite and that you do not cause any damage to the environment.
Safety and Crime
Camping on Providenciales is not recommended. This is due to a wide range of factors, including the increased risk of crime and the wide availability of different accommodations available on Providenciales.
Visit Turks and Caicos Islands is not aware of any reports of crimes against tourists who have camped on other islands. However, this does not mean that it does not happen.
Building Materials Do It Center has a range of tents and other camping supplies for sale, such as portable grills.
There are very few filterable natural freshwater sources in the Turks and Caicos. A compact and effective camping-style water filter is definitely a great addition to your kit, but natural freshwater sites are few and far between. It’s impossible to rely on these sources without prior knowledge of the locations and quantities available.
Local Tour Companies
Some local businesses offer camping as part of their tours, such as tours to East Caicos. See Outdoor Adventure Guides.