Provo Seafood
Five Cays, Providenciales
Provo Seafood is a fishmonger located in Five Cays, Providenciales. They sell fresh and frozen seafood, for both commercial and consumer customers.
They are typically open Monday through Saturday, although it’s advised to confirm Saturday opening times prior to driving there.
Seafood Products
The most popular products are fresh snapper, grouper, and conch. When in season, lobster is popular as well.
Conch for local consumption is available year-round (there are closed seasons for export).
The lobster season is generally open from August until April (exact dates vary year on year).
Grouper (Nassau Grouper) has an open season typically from March until November each year.
Grouper and snapper are typically sold by weight, and are approximately $8-10 per pound (whole fish), or $14-17 (filleted). Lobster tail is around $14-18 per pound.
Conch prices vary, and typically range from $9-14 per pound.
Whereas Provo Seafood does offer frozen products, their fresh seafood is subject to availability. It’s recommended to visit in the late afternoon (after 3 PM or so) when boats have returned for the day.
If you are looking for specific products, you should call in advance to ensure they have them.