Turks and Caicos Shipwreck Gallery
This photo gallery explores the shipwrecks that can be seen around the Turks and Caicos.
Many of these locations are quite remote, and the typical boat excursions do not visit them.
You may also be interested in Turks and Caicos Wreck Diving.

La Famille Express
Probably the most famous shipwreck in the Turks and Caicos, the Soviet oil rig service vessel turned Panama cargo ship La Famille Express is found about two miles (3.2 km) off of Long Bay Beach on Providenciales.

The Mega One Triton
This was a large vessel greeting visitors to Governor's Beach on Grand Turk. It was washed ashore during Hurricane Sandy in 2012 and was finally removed in 2020.

The River Arc
This converted oil tanker wrecked on the barrier reef off of Whitby, North Caicos in 1979. Rumors suggest that this ship was trafficking drugs and that much of the cargo was transported to planes for a flight to the final destination. Much of what remained of the ship has disintegrated in recent years.

Salt Cay Long Bay Wreck
This Dominican transport vessel ran out of fuel and washed ashore on Long Bay in Salt Cay in 2014.

South Dock Tugboat
This tugboat can be seen stuck on a tiny rocky cay near the radar installation at South Dock, Providenciales.

Haitian Transport in the Mangrove Wetlands of North Caicos
Swept over the shallows off of North Caicos during some previous storm, this rusted hulk, the Erzulie Transport, is now stuck on the mangroves off the south side of North Caicos.

Fishing Boat at Bermudian Harbour Bay
This old fishing boat is stuck on the beach at Bermudian Harbour Bay near Five Cays on Providenciales.